Saturday 18 February 2017


When we were little kids back in the 1970s or 1980s, English lessons were very prescriptive.  One thing we had to learn about was "adjectives", or "describing words" as it was put to the children fearful of long words that contained the letters J and V. Use these, we were told, to make what you say more informative to a reader or listener.

Moving forward to the 2010s, such things as adjectives have gone out of fashion.  The "Craft" beer world has only one adjective receiving significant usage in the event of something positive - Awesome.  Check out this awesome beer I'm drinking and the awesome pic I took of me drinking it.  And isn't Soriachi Ace an awesome hop?  This place is, like, awesome, dude!  Check out the awesome pics of vintage bicycles on the walls.

And so on.  Seriously, go to Twitter and type "awesome beer" in the search box and watch the thousands of tweets fill up your screen, all proclaiming the "awesomeness" of something or other.  Quite why so many people feel the need to adopt the speech patterns of Michaelangelo from the Ninja Turtles is a mystery.  Maybe it came along in the Sierra Nevada boxes imported in the late 1990s.  Maybe we should all embrace awesome American things like Craft Keg, Mast Brothers chocolate and BBQ grills the size of a Chevy truck.

We'll all be American soon anyway.

1 comment:

  1. There is one thing to be said for constant use of “awesome” – it means at least they’re not saying “epic” too.
